Some of the services we offer...
Some of the services we offer...
We have a wide range of services to suit everyone's needs. From basic exterior washes, the very popular mini valet, full showroom valets and also paint protection packages. We also offer more complex detailing packages suited and quoted for any vehicle. If your vehicle requires something more detailed then a full valet then get in touch for an individual quotation.
We use a variety of quality chemicals like Autoglym, Autosmart, Maguires and G3 (Farecla)
All prices are depending on size and condition.......
Exterior wash
Exterior wash
From £15 we will wash and dry the exterior including alloy wheels. finishing off with tyre shine
Wash and Vac
Wash and Vac
From £20 we will wash and vac your vehicle.
Mini Valet
Mini Valet
From Just £30 we will wash and dry exterior inc tyre shine etc. Clean door shuts and sills. Hoover the interior including boot area. Clean all interior plastics. Polish windows inside and out. Remove all rubbish. Apply air freshener
Full Valet
Full Valet
From £75 we will give your vehicle that show room finish. We will clean inside and out as in our popular mini valet, but also include full interior shampoo, leather clean/condition and full polish of the exterior.
You can also upgrade this service to include a hard wax from a further £50. This would give the paintwork 12 months protection.
Van Valet
Van Valet
Van valets start from just £30. This is for a basic exterior wash and vac/clean of the cab area.
Add £15 to shampoo seats
Other Services
Other Services
Full exterior protection packages from £165. This includes clay bar and decontaminating, fine scratch removal, polish and hard wax finish.
Soft top clean and seal from £65
Full interior valet from £65 (inc basic exterior wash)
Driveway and patio jet wash services
Anything else please give us a call!!!